Tuesday, 22 May 2018


Orbs are rarely visible to the naked eye but are probably the most photographed super natural phenomena.
They may appear very clearly moving fast and on a predetermined path or sometimes fuzzy in isolation or in clusters.

By many paranormal investigators Orbs are believed to be spiritual energy and the first stage of a full blown spiritual manifestation.

But to the non-believers they are merely nothing but smudges, glitches or dust particles caught by reflections of light and or moisture on the lens.
This could be due to the fact that many of the orbs that people witness are only visible in digital photos.

There are, however many orbs that have been witnessed with the naked eye and those are the most credible as being orbs of energy and possibly paranormal or even supernatural.
The truth is that there are probably just as many differing opinions to what orbs actually are, as to the different types orbs photographed.

Orbs can be any colour, all though usually they are off white or milky and can be any shape or size but typically circular, but it's important to differentiate between known causes of orbs and those tagged as paranormal.

One of the most remarkable things about spirit orbs is that they can appear with faces or snake like patterns within them and tend to have a nucleus of some kind.
These faces can be our loved ones who are in spirit letting us know they are still around us, or they can be our pets who have crossed.

It is believed the spirit world is all around us occupying space at a different vibrational speed than our own and spirits prefer the form of an orb because it uses less energy, with the theory that the bigger the orb or the larger more human like shape the apparition the more energy are used.

In these instances you may find that they create cold spots. This is due to the spirit absorbing the thermal energy out of the atmosphere around that particular area in order to manifest.

Some also believe the size indicates the level of soul evolution, the bigger the orb, the more spiritually evolved the ghost is or was at time of death and other believe the size of the orb indicates the power of the emotion. 

There is also assigned colors and meanings to orbs which are widely accepted within the paranormal community.

Some of the meanings can be traced to the same color significance given to the main chakras of the human body, and those associated with auras.

These include, but aren't limited to:
             Black: Malevolent
             Blue (dark): Shy spirit
             Blue (light): Tranquil, peace
             Blue (medium): Protection
             Brown: Danger or earthbound
             Gold: Angelic, unconditional love
             Green: Healing orb or spirit
             Lavender: Messenger from God
             Orange: Protection, forgiveness
             Peach: Spirit sent to comfort you
             Pink: Accepting spirit
             Purple: Orb of information
             Red: Anger or passion
             Silver: Messenger
             Violet: Guide for spiritual matters
             White: Protection of holy light and power
             Yellow: Warning

There's currently no way to prove or even disprove what a spirit orb size and color truly mean.  The only thing apparent is that genuine orbs are spheres of some type of energy.  As with most things paranormal, much of the information you choose to incorporate into your own belief system is just that, your personal ideology.

#hauntedhistoryofRSA; #hauntedhistory; #paranormal; #orb; #ghost; #haunting

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