Friday, 11 May 2018

Lamber's Bay Hotel - "Man" in the shadows

After our last investigation we did a quick walk through the Lambert's Bay hotel, showing potential ghost-inquisitives some of the activity hot spots.

One of the spots was a passage just past the staircase where a smoking man in period clothing (1890 - 1920) is said to been seen smoking.  The people you have seen him said they can see his hat and the smoldering coal of the cigarette.  The smell of smoke is also prominent, although this is  now a nonsmoking building.

I took random photos as we went alone.  These photos was taken 1 second apart.  There is no light or window in that corner that could affect the photo.

I found this strange anomaly in the doorway, to the haunted passage?

Photo 1: Nothing in door                                   Photo 2:  Something in doorway

Photo enlarged: 1                                            Photo enlarged: 2

What could it be?

#hauntedhistoryRSA; #hauntedhistory; #ghost; #hauntings; #paranormal; #spoke; #westcoast

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